Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Absolutes are back

absolute - "not relative to something else"; ab + solvere = "off, away from" + "to loosen, untie, release, detach"

“Relativism reduces every element of absoluteness to relativity while making a completely illogical exception in favor of this reduction itself. Fundamentally it consists in propounding the claim that there is no truth as if this were truth or in declaring it to be absolutely true that there is nothing but the relatively true; one might just as well say that there is no language or write that there is no writing. ... The assertion nullifies itself if it is true and by nullifying itself logically proves thereby that it is false; its initial absurdity lies in the implicit claim to be unique in escaping, as if by enchantment, from a relativity that is declared to be the only possibility.” ― Frithjof Schuon, Logic & Transcendence

"There is no better means of reducing a fallacious variety of thought to absurdity than to let it live itself out completely." ― Carl Menger

The absurdity of Economy ...

Little did Carl Menger imagine that his notion of marginal utility would be allowed to "live itself out" to absurdity, and yet that is what has happened. But, perhaps, Menger [like many great scientists before him] is merely the scapegoat for subsequent, smaller minds that took his transitional notion of relative values and, in a slothful act of pagan idolatry, deified it as a destination ... as absolute truth.

"The study of philosophy is a voyage towards the larger generalities. For this reason in the infancy of science, when the main stress lay in the discovery of the most general ideas usefully applicable to the subject matter in question, philosophy was not sharply distinguished from science. To this day, a new science with any substantial novelty in its notions is considered to be in some way peculiarly philosophical. In their later stages, apart from occasional disturbances, most sciences accept without question the general notions in terms of which they develop. The main stress is laid on the adjustment and the direct verification of more special statements. In such periods scientists repudiate philosophy; Newton, justly satisfied with his physical principles, disclaimed metaphysics." Whitehead

While most "economists" are stuck regurgitating what they "learned" by watching and listening to others regurgitate, a few have been able to lift their eyes and minds above their "micro" and even "macro" scopes to REALITY in its dazzling, comprehensive and coherent beauty. And what do they encounter?

... without going to the next level of Ecology

If the fatal flaw of Economy is its obsession with abstract desires, the strength of Ecology is its recognition of relative needs

WHAT ???!!! Didn't we just say that relative values is a failed paradigm?  Not exactly. What we said was that relative values are not appropriate as a destination. Economy by definition limits its field of vision to individuals [micro] or groups of individuals [macro], but in both cases it relies on some form of subjective value determination as the basis for rational exchange to "maximize" value.

Ecology is willing to consider the proposition that Nature [the Cosmos] imposes absolute limits and consequences on Economy in the form of an objective and comprehensive hierarchy of values .. something Hayek claimed mankind could never know and which he therefore fatally dismissed as non-existent. These absolute, objective values are defined relative to one another ... but the idea that this relativity can be meaningful within a local "subset" of all the things in the cosmos is futile nonsense.

... which redefines LIBERTY

Of course, most self-styled classical "economists" claim that the theory of relative values and marginal utility is the basis for liberty. And yet when it comes to explaining this "liberty", they go to absurd lengths which nobody practices in real life or is able to articulate even in theory.

Ecology provides a new and simple definition of LIBERTY:

Local Includes Believing Everything's Related To You

which puts Economy [local] into comprehensive perspective [includes] with Religion [believing], Science [everything's related] and the individual [to you].

... and returns us to Philosophy

And yet Ecology, properly understood, merely returns Economy to what Whitehead identified as its starting point for our Enlightenment ancestors: "the study of philosophy as a voyage towards the larger generalities" ... even God ... the ultimate absolute.

"Assessing the roles  of  economics  and  ecology  for  biodiversity  conservation  ultimately  requires embedding  the  view of  Mainstream  Economics,  Ecological Economics  and ecology  on humankind  and  nature  into  an  encompassing  philosophical  understanding  of  the relationship between humans and nature."
AU  - Faber, Malte
AU  - Frick, Marc
AU  - Zahrnt, Dominik
PY  - 2019/01/20
SP  -
T1  - Absolute and Relative Scarcity
VL  -
ER  -

 Sounds like Genesis 1. Are our religious, political and educational institutions up to that challenge?

Added Resources

Mario Giampietro: "Models with Meaning - Changing Social Practices” | The Great Simplification #107 ... Giampietro proposes the task of combining Economy and Ecology by viewing them as stages in a universal "metabolism"  ... an idea we also develop in our discussion of the 3e cycle:

"Society doesn't like complex things because we just like to parse things into dollars or euros and we make decisions on that and this is not easy to do with what you just said. It is something that should start in school, it should start in school. How would we do that? I think that they should change the way we teach things at school because all the energetics, metabolism, these are all... Let alone the discussion on multiple scales, this idea that we have only one scale is absurd. ... We have to even teach young people what energy is and why it's important to our lives. We're still not even doing that. No, but we are victim of the success of economics. This is the point, we are intoxicated [Rev 18:3]. Because if you imagine we have a discipline, I work with Kozo Mayumi which is a professor of economics. So I respect the category of what I'm saying. But what I'm saying is that economics assumes that absolute scarcity is impossible because it works with price. If you have price there is a modest scarcity, so you can use technology to trade the things. But if you have absolute scarcity, you no longer have price, you don't have a market, you have either war or solidarity but you don't have market. So we are using a science, they assume the absolute scarcity is impossible to study absolute scarcity, how to avoid it. Guys, no, economics is not capable of comparing the size of economic process to the size of ecological process. Would that ever change?"

Friday, January 19, 2024

Get with the plan?


After Christmas 2023, my wife and I took a road trip from Kansas to the Pacific NW. We crossed mountain ranges in snow storms [-22 in Laramie WY] ... and saw amazing sights [snow covering the Steamboat Rocks in the Utah mountains]. But nothing prepared me for the spectacular experiences surrounding the birth of another grandson. LIFE IS INVALUABLE ... except in terms of other lives.

As that new human being presented himself to his family, I marveled at how helpless and near-sighted he was. But also at how, from the first, he seemed to know what "the plan" was ... FOOD ... which his mother graciously [and quite happily it appeared] supplied on demand. If this boy makes it to my age of 70+, I wonder what he will think about "the plan" looking back. Was there really a plan? And was it all about just being together with the food?


The James Webb Space Telescope is, as its name says, bringing what is FAR DISTANT [telos] into VIEW [skopos]... and the vastness of the new perspective is SHATTERING long-standing [but now seemingly parochial] explanations of the universe. Did all this just happen ... without a plan?

What if we could observe [skopos] the history of human civilization with such a comprehensive perspective? What would it reveal to us about where humans have been and where they may be going ... about our notions of "economy" in the face of "ecology"?

This is precisely what noted astro-physicist Tom Murphy [who sees the universe thru the lens of JWST] has done in a recent piece titled The Simple Story of Civilization - Do the Math where he puts human "progress" into perspective by looking at human civilization as if it were a single life ... leading him to conclusions that will burst a few bubbles ... especially those of the enlightened elites & entrenched economists who are supposedly "leading" us into the future. ["Parochial" is too dignified a word to describe our current notions of policy and economy ... Tom uses "idiotic" ... and you will see why ... and agree!]

I have prepared a very short comment introducing Tom's piece [with generous quotes from several reliable sources in addition to Tom's work] which I have entitled Fill the earth ... OK ... NOW WHAT? I hope these thoughts, may ... along with Tom's piece ... give you pause to think even more deeply than you ever have before about ALL life on earth ... and whether you are doing your duty in reverence during your life here.


PS. For more on Tom's work, see his text book Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet